Winnie Chiu Wing CHU


Prof. James F GRIFFITH
Winnie Chiu Wing CHU

MB ChB (CUHK), MD (CUHK), FRCR (UK), FHKAM (Radiology)

Clinical Professor



  • MRI Imaging, Image Post-processing, Artificial Intelligence, Paediatric Radiology, Ultrasound Imaging

Research Interests

  • Deep Learning and Machine Learning in Medical Imaging
  • Advanced MRI Imaging in Brain & Hepatology
  • Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis 
  • Paediatric Oncology & Haematology 
  • Fetal Imaging & Congenital Anomalies in Children 
  • Ultrasound Imaging


Prof Winnie Chu is a dedicated educator in radiology. She has been giving a great varieties of radiology lectures in international, regional and local conferences. Her audience include radiologists (general/ paediatric radiologists/ trainees/ specialists), clinicians (paediatricians, surgeons, oncologists, neurologists, obstetricians, family doctors) and allied health members (radiographers, nurses).  

She is also actively involved in under-graduate medical student teaching and post-graduate radiologist/ sonographer training. She is the Director of the MSc course in diagnostic ultrasonography. She is also the lecturer for MSc in Gastroenterology; MSc Neurological Sciences; and MSc in Obstetric and Midwifery Care, contributing to the imaging part of the syllabus of these professional programs.

She is the coordinator of the in-house radiology training for residence within the Department of Imaging & Interventional Radiology in the Prince of Wales Hospital.

She is the regular keynote speaker and faculty member of the annual meeting of AOSPR (Asian Oceanic Society of Pediatric Radiology). She has been invited to give lectures in large international radiology meetings such as RSNA and SPR.


Professor Winnie Chu provides regular weekly clinical service sessions for the public and private patients at the Prince of Wales Hospital. Her main expertise remains in the paediatric imaging, where she provides frontline imaging service covering MRI, CT and ultrasound in paediatric imaging, plus additional input into clinico-radiological conferences and ad hoc consultations. She also provides breast imaging, CT and MRI imaging for adult patients.

She is one of the few paediatric radiologists in Hong Kong who has vast clinical experience in Dynamic MR Urography for congenital urinary track anomalies in children, fetal MRI and functional MRI neuroimaging and hepatology imaging.

She is the honorary clinical consultant of the Department of Imaging & Interventional Radiology in the Prince of Wales Hospital and honorary consultant in the New Territories East Cluster. She is the clinical coordinator of paediatric imaging service, as well as clinical coordinator of Ultrasound service in PWH.

She is the member of clinical work group (Paediatric Radiology) & Task Force on Development of Hong Kong Children’s Hospital, member of working group of Paediatric Radiology training guidelines and paediatric radiology subspecialty trainer for the Hong Kong College of Radiologists. She is also the expert panel member to the Council of Hong Kong Paediatric Society (HKKPS), a member of Grant Review Board for reviewing applications to the Health and Medical Research Fund (HKRF) under Research Office of the Food and Health Bureau.

Professor Chu has given many years of service to the Hong Kong College of Radiologists. She is the Editor-in-Chief for the Hong Kong Journal of Radiology (HKJR) since 2011. She is a member of the Education Committee of HKCR. Professor Chu is an examiner for joint the Royal College of Radiologists UK and the Hong Kong College of Radiologists Final Examination for the Fellowship.

Besides being an academic researcher, her other major service to The Chinese University of Hong Kong includes Assistant Dean (Admission), Chairlady of Faculty Student Admission Committee, Member of Global Physician-Leadership Stream (GPS) program, the Fitness to Practice Committee and Student Residence Subcommittee, the Taskforce on AI in Medical Curriculum, Head of MRI Division.


Professor Winnie Chu is an academic radiologist specializing and focusing in the research, education, and clinical service in Paediatric Imaging.

Professor Chu is the author of over 500 peer-reviewed scientific papers and over 200 presented scientific paper abstracts. She is the foundation member and currently the Academic Secretary of Asian Oceanic Society of Pediatric Radiology, AOSPR and editor of the online journal AOfPR. She is also the Program Committee member of AOSOR (Asian Oceanian School of Radiology) for Asian Oceanian Society of Radiology (AOSR)

She is the editorial board member of “Pediatric Radiology” journal. She is also the Editor-in-Chief of Hong Kong Journal of Radiology (HKJR) and section editor of European Journal of Radiology (EJR).

She is the contributor of major textbooks in paediatric imaging including Caffey’s Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging (Coley editor, 12th and 13th editions, Elsevier Saunders) and the associate editor of Pediatric Imaging: Practical Imaging Evaluation of Infants and Children (Lee editor 2017, Wolters Kluwer). These books are comprehensive & considered reference texts in the field of Pediatric Imaging & have been published by premier publishing companies in the world. She is also the co-author of a few ultrasound textbooks (Amirsys series).

Professor Chu’s main research interest and her MD title is on morphometric Studies of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS). She is the academic radiologist who has published the largest number of MRI-related research on AIS. Her presentations have been chosen to be the best clinical science paper in Harrington Spine Symposium 2005 and in the IRSSD meeting in 2010 & 2016. She has obtained several competitive research grants related to AIS research as the Principal Investigator.

As a clinician radiologist, Prof Chu has been working closely with multiple clinical departments related to paediatric and maternal care, including general paediatrics, paediatric surgery, paediatric orthopaedics, neonatology, children cancer unit and antenatal obstetrics care. Her other paediatric research interests include imaging of paediatric oncology and haematology patients, fetal MRI, imaging of congenital anomalies in children (including CNS, thoracic and urogenital malformations). She has published widely on the applications of ultrasound in children imaging including development of dynamic imaging protocol for urinary bladder and Color Doppler imaging of ureteric waveforms. An invited review paper has been published on the above topic in the Pediatric Radiology Journal.

During the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003, Prof Chu has collaborated with paediatrics centres in Toronto and Singapore and reported the chest radiograph pattern in a cohort of children suffered from SARS from different nations. This paper has been chosen as the prestigious Walter Berdon Award for the best Clinical Scientific paper in Paediatric Radiology in 2004. CUHK has conducted a multi-centre follow up of SARS children among five hospitals in our locality and coordinating high resolution CT imaging for this group of patients. During the outbreak of renal complications related to melamine-tainted milk products, Prof Chu has collaborated with the pediatric department and published papers on this topic, including one article in the New England Journal of Medicine. Two external competitive grants have been obtained on follow up of this cohort of patients.



  1. Cheung YT, Ma CT, Lam HHW, Ling SC, Kwok K, Li CH, Ha CY, Yip SF, Wong RSM, Chu WCW, Li CK. Clinical, neuroimaging, and behavioural risk factors for neurocognitive impairment in Chinese patients with haemophilia: A multicentre study. 2023 Jun 19. Online ahead of print.
  2. Qian Y, Wong VWS, Wang YX, Hou J, Jiang B, Zhang X, Wong GLH, Chan Q, Yu SCH, Chu WCW, Chen W. Dynamic glucose-enhanced imaging of the liver using breath-hold black blood quantitative T1ρ MRI at 3.0 T. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2023 Jun 14. Online ahead of print.
  3. Tam AKY, Zhu XL, Chow SMW, Lee SKJ, Lai CCF, Chan KY, Chu WCW, Tong MCF. Intracranial nasofrontal dermoid cyst and a hair in the nose tip without a sinus tract identified with single-staged combined approach excision done. Clin Case Rep. 2023 May 26;11(6):e7414. eCollection 2023 Jun.
  4. Mahomed N, Kilborn T, Smit EJ, Chu WCW, Young CYM, Koranteng N, Kasznia-Brown J, Winant AJ, Lee EY, Sodhi KS. Tuberculosis revisited: classic imaging findings in childhood. Pediatr Radiol. 2023 May 23
  5. Abrigo JM, Ko KL, Chen Q, Lai BMH, Cheung TCY, Chu WCW, Yu SCH. Artificial intelligence for detection of intracranial haemorrhage on head computed tomography scans: diagnostic accuracy in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Med J. 2023 Apr;29(2):112-120.
  6. Liao X, Aljufairi FMAA, Lai KKH, Chan KKW, Jia R, Chen W, Hu Z, Wei Y, Chu WCW, Tham CCY, Pang CP, Chong KKL. Clinical significance of corneal striae in thyroid associated orbitopathy. J Clin Med. 2023 Mar 15;12(6):2284.
  7. Poon PKM, Tam KW, Lam T, Luk AKC, Chu WCW, Cheung P, Wong SYS, Sung JJY. Poor health literacy associated with stronger perceived barriers to breast cancer screening and overestimated breast cancer risk. Front Oncol. 2023 Jan 5;12:1053698. eCollection 2022.
  8. Chen Q, Abrigo J, Deng M, Shi L, Wang YX, Chu WCW; Alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging initiative. diffusion changes in hippocampal cingulum in early biologically defined Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2023;91(3):1007-1017.
  9. Huang C, Qian Y, Yu SC, Hou J, Jiang B, Chan Q, Wong VW, Chu WCW, Chen W. Uncertainty-aware self-supervised neural network for liver T1ρ mapping with relaxation constraint. Phys Med Biol. 2022 Nov 18;67(22).
  10. Vergari C, Skalli W, Abelin-Genevois K, Bernard JC, Hu Z, Cheng JCY, Chu WCW, Assi A, Karam M, Ghanem I, Bassani T, Galbusera F, Sconfienza LM, Brayda-Bruno M, Courtois I, Ebermeyer E, Vialle R, Langlais T, Dubousset J. Spine slenderness is not an early sign of progression in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Med Eng Phys. 2022 Oct;108:103879. Epub 2022 Aug 
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